A piece of wire 10 m long is cut into two pieces. One piece is bent into a square and the other is bent into an equilateral triangle. How should the wire be cut so that the total area enclosed is a maximum?

A Piece Of Wire 10M Long Is Cut Into Two Pieces

This question aims to find the total area enclosed by a wire when it is cut down into two piecesThis question uses the concept of the area of a rectangle and an equilateral triangle. The area of a triangle is mathematically equal to:

\[Area \space of \space triangle \space = \space \frac{Base \space \times \space Height}{2} \]

Whereas the area of a rectangle is mathematically equal to:

\[Area \space of \space  rectangle \space = \space Width \space \times \space Length \]

Expert Answer

Let $ x $ be the amount to be clipped from the square.

The sum remaining for such an equilateral triangle would be $ 10 – x $.

We know that the square length is:

\[= \space \frac{x}{4} \]

Now the square area is:

\[= \space (\frac{x}{4})^2 \]

\[= \space \frac{x^2}{16} \]

The area of an equilateral triangle is:

\[= \space \frac{\sqrt 3}{4} a^2 \]

Where $ a $ is the triangle length.


\[= \space \frac{10 – x}{3} \]

\[= \space \frac{\sqrt 3}{4} (\frac{10 – x}{3})^2 \]

\[= \space \frac{\sqrt 3(10-x)^2}{36} \]

Now the total area is:

\[A(x) \space = \space \frac{x^2}{16} \space + \space \frac{\sqrt 3(10-x)^2}{36}\]

Now differentiating  $ A'(x) = 0 $

\[= \space \frac{x}{8} \space – \space {\sqrt 3(10 – x)}{18} \space = \space 0 \]

\[ \frac{x}{8} \space =\space {\sqrt 3(10 – x)}{18} \]

By cross multiplication, we get:

\[18x \space = \space 8 \sqrt(3) (10 – x) \]

\[18x \space = \space 80 \sqrt(3) \space – \space 8 \sqrt(3x) \]

\[(18 \space + \space 8 \sqrt(3) x) = \space 80 \sqrt(3) \]

By simplifying, we get:

\[x \space = \space 4.35 \]

Numerical Answer

The value of $ x = 4.35 $ is where we can obtain the maximum area enclosed by this wire.


A 20 m long piece of wire is divided into two parts. Both pieces are bent, with one becoming a square and the other an equilateral triangle. And how would the wire be spliced to ensure that the covered area is as large as possible?

Let $ x $ be the amount to be clipped from the square.

The sum remaining for such an equilateral triangle would be $ 20 – x $.

We know that the square length is:

\[= \space \frac{x}{4} \]

Now the square area is:

\[= \space (\frac{x}{4})^2 \]

\[= \space \frac{x^2}{16} \]

The area of an equilateral triangle is:

\[= \space \frac{\sqrt 3}{4} a^2 \]

Where $ a $ is the triangle length.


\[= \space \frac{10 – x}{3} \]

\[= \space \frac{\sqrt 3}{4} (\frac{20 – x}{3})^2 \]

\[= \space \frac{\sqrt 3(20-x)^2}{36} \]

Now the total area is:

\[A(x) \space = \space \frac{x^2}{16} \space + \space \frac{\sqrt 3(20-x)^2}{36}\]

Now differentiating  $ A'(x) = 0 $

\[= \space \frac{x}{8} \space – \space {\sqrt 3(20 – x)}{18} \space = \space 0 \]

\[ \frac{x}{8} \space =\space {\sqrt 3(20 – x)}{18} \]

By cross multiplication, we get:

\[18x \space = \space 8 \sqrt(3) (20 – x) \]

\[18x \space = \space 160 \sqrt(3) \space – \space 8 \sqrt(3x) \]

\[(18 \space + \space 8 \sqrt(3) x) = \space 160 \sqrt(3) \]

By simplifying, we get:

\[x \space = \space 8.699 \]

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