What Is 3/11 as a Decimal + Solution With Free Steps

3by11 As A Decimal

The fraction 3/11 as a decimal is equal to 0.272.

The process of separating apart or breaking anything up into parts is referred to as division. It is a fundamental mathematical concept. Division appears to be the most difficult of all mathematical operations. However, there is a method for dealing with this difficult problem that simplifies it significantly.

Thus, a method for converting Fractions into their corresponding decimal numbers when they cannot be simplified is the Long Division method. A Fraction is a very unique technique to describe a mathematical operation; it is similar to using a dot to indicate the result of a multiplication.

Let’s look more closely at the solution to our fraction 3/11.


To continue, we define the Fraction’s components based on how they operate. The numerator of a fraction is known as the Dividend.

Whereas the denominator is known as the Divisor. The dividend is divided by this number. In this case, the Dividend is 3 and the Divisor is 11. It generates the following result:

Dividend = 3

Divisor = 11

Next, we rearrange this fraction to make it more illustrative and introduce the terms Quotient and Remainder. The Quotient is the result of a division, whereas the Remainder is the value received after an incomplete division.

Quotient = Dividend $\div$ Divisor = 3 $\div$ 11

3/11 Long Division Method

Figure 1

3/11 Long Division Method

The following is the question:

3 $\div$ 11

So, before proceeding with the Long Division, we must first determine whether the first digit of the Dividend is greater or smaller than Divisor. Because dividend 3 has a single digit and is smaller than divisor 11, we cannot divide this fraction without using a decimal point.

We can get a decimal point by adding a zero to the right of the dividend 3 and get 30. Now, as indicated below, divide 30 by 11.

30 $\div$ 11 $\approx$ 2


11 x 2 = 22

We observe that this division gives a Remainder, which is equal to 30 – 22 = 8.

We should now add another zero to the right of the remainder, but this time without a decimal point, because Quotient already has one. Following this procedure, we have 80, which must be divided by 11.

After adding a zero to the right, the resulting value of the remainder, 8 becomes 80.

The following step can now be calculated:

80 $\div$ 11 $\approx$ 7


11 x 7 = 77

As a result of this division, we have remainder 3.

80 – 77 = 3

Again, we should add zero to the right side of the remainder of 3 so it will become 30. Further division leads to:

30 $\div$ 11 $\approx$ 2


11 x 2 = 22

We again have the remainder 8.

30 – 22 = 8

After doing three iterations,  we are left with remainder 8 and quotient 0.272 that are repeating themselves infinitely.Quotient and remainder of 3 per 11

Images/mathematical drawings are created with GeoGebra.

4 3/8 As A Decimal | Fractions to Decimals List | 3/6 As A Decimal