What Is 8/12 as a Decimal + Solution With Free Steps

8by12 As A Decimal

The fraction 8/12 as a decimal is equal to 0.66666666.

We can represent Fractions in the form of p/q, where p in the fraction is known as the Numerator and q is the Denominator. Both of them are separated by a line called the Division line. We convert fractions into decimal values because decimal values are more useful in mathematical problems, and this conversion requires the division operator. Division seems a little complicated, but we can deal with this using Long Division.

So we will convert our given fraction 8/12 into its value by using the method called the long division method.


When we use the long division method, some terms must be explained first. The Dividend and the Divisors are the terms referred to as the numerator and the denominator, respectively. For the given fraction, the dividend and divisor are:

Dividend =8

Divisor = 12

When we solve a fraction using the long division method, the solution we get in decimal value is known as the Quotient. It is the final result of the fraction in decimal form.

Quotient = Dividend $ \div $ Divisor = 8 $ \div $ 12

The possible result of the given fraction is as under:
8 12 as a decimal

Figure 1

8/12 Long Division Method

So we can solve the given fraction by using a method of long division as:

The fraction to be converted into decimal value by the long division approach is given as:

8 $ \div $ 12

When dividing fractions, there are two possible situations where the answer may be greater than 1 or less than 1, depending on the divisor and dividend. When the divisor is less than the dividend, we get a quotient that is larger than 1. However, when the divisor is greater than the dividend, the resulting value is less than 1.

Here, the numerator 8 in the given fraction 8/12 is less than the dominator 12. First add a decimal point to proceed with our solution. We can multiply the dividend by ten or add zero to the right side of the dividend to make it divisible by 12.

Before moving on to the answer, it is required to define another vital term: Remainder. The number remains after the division of two numbers that are not wholly divisible by each other.

After adding a zero to the right side of the dividend, the number we now have is 80.

80 $ \div $ 12 $ \approx $ 6


 12 x 6 = 72

The remainder we have is 80 – 72 = 8. By adding zero to its right becomes 80.

80 $ \div $ 12 $ \approx $ 6


 12 x 6 = 72

So we now have a Remainder 80 – 72 = 8 with the resulting Quotient of 0.66 for the given fraction of 8/12. We can solve it further to get a more precise and accurate answer.

8 12 Quotient and Remainder

Images/mathematical drawings are created with GeoGebra.

9/4 As A Decimal | Fractions to Decimals List | 8 1/4 As A Decimal