What Is 2/11 as a Decimal + Solution With Free Steps

2by11 As A Decimal

The fraction 2/ 11 as a decimal is equivalent to 0.1818.

Fractions are the numerical quantities that are not expressed as a whole. It can be termed as the part or proportion of something. Fractions are very useful in mathematics as they represent exact quantities. 

Fractions can be expressed as decimals by performing the long division procedure. The long division method is the process of division that involves multi-digit numbers such as dividends and divisors. It helps to avoid the hassle of mental math and solve problems efficiently. 

Let’s find out the decimal equivalent of the 2/11 fraction using the long division method.


The fraction consists of two parts a numerator and a denominator. The upper part of the fraction is called the numerator, and the lower part is called the denominator. The two entities are also named dividend and divisor in the division process. The usual operation of the division involves the dividend being divided by the divisor.

For this particular fraction, the dividend and divisors are given as:

Dividend = 2

Divisor = 11

The division process can be explained as below:

Dividend $\div$ divisor = Quotient 

If any residue is left after the division, it is called a remainder. In some cases, the remainder is zero, whereas, in some, it is not.

The long division process is shown below in figure 1:

2/11 Long Division Method

Figure 1

2/11 Long Division Method

Let us explain the long division process in detail. First, dividend 2 is smaller than divisor 11; therefore, to make the division possible, a decimal point is added to the quotient and zero with 2. Now the dividend has become 20. The division will occur as:

20 $\div$ 11 $\approx$ 1

11 x 1 = 11

The remainder of the division is 20 – 11 = 9. Now the dividend is 9, whereas the divisor is 11. Again adding a zero to 9 which makes it equivalent to 90. Further, the division produces quotient as:

90 $\div$ 11 $\approx$ 8

11 x 8 = 88

The remainder is 90 – 88 = 2. Again the same process is repeated and undergoes the following division:

20 $\div$ 11 $\approx$ 1

11 x 1 = 11

Again the remainder is 9, and the division will be performed as:

90 $\div$ 11 $\approx$ 8

11 x 8 = 88

The remainder is 2. It can be seen that a similar pattern is repeated again and again in the above division. Since 18 is repeating itself in the quotient, it is called a recurring or repeating decimal. The 18 patterns are repeated infinitely in the quotient, so the fraction 2/11 as a decimal is equivalent to 0.1818.Quotient and Remainer of 2 per 11

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