What Is 2 2/5 as a Decimal + Solution With Free Steps

2 2by5 As A Decimal

The fraction 2 2/5 as a decimal is equal to 2.4.

Fractions are generally represented in p/q form where p and q represent the numerator and denominator of the fraction, respectively. Fractions are classified into three types: proper fraction, improper fraction, and mixed fraction. When we have a numerator of a fraction less than the denominator, it is known as the proper fraction. Similarly, if we have a greater numerator, it is referred to as an improper fraction. The fraction having a whole number with an improper fraction is referred to as the mixed fraction.

The given mixed fraction of 2 2/5 can be converted to its decimal value by the method called the Long Division method. We convert fractions into decimals because decimal values are easier to understand and more useful in mathematical problems.


Mixed fractions are converted into improper fractions by multiplying the denominator with the whole number and then adding the numerator to it. This will give the numerator while the denominator remains the same. So, by doing so, the fraction now we have is 12/5.

The Dividend and the Divisor are two important terms used in the long division method. The denominator of the fraction is known as a “divisor” while the numerator in the fraction is called a “dividend.” So for the given fraction, we have a dividend of 12 and the divisor is 5.

Dividend = 12

Divisor = 5

The Quotient is the term that is used to represent the answer of the fraction in the decimal value.

Quotient = Dividend $ \div $ Divisor = 12 $ \div $ 5

The long division method for the given fraction of 12/5 is as under:12/5 Long Division Method

Figure 1

12/5 Long Division Method

The solution to the given fraction by the long division method can be:

The fraction we had:

12 $ \div $ 5

The two values can be divided directly as the numerator is bigger than the denominator. So it means that we will get a quotient greater than one.

The number that remains after the division of two numbers that are not completely divisible by each other is known as the Remainder.

12 $ \div $ 5 $ \approx $ 2


 5 x 2 = 10

We have a remainder of 2 after this step. Now we have a remainder less than the divisor, so we cannot divide these two numbers. For that, we will introduce a decimal point in the quotient. Now we can multiply our remainder by ten. By doing so, the remainder we now have is 20.

20 $ \div $ 5 = 4


 5 x 4 = 20

The Remainder we have now is 20 – 20 = 0.

As a result, the provided mixed fraction of 2 2/5 has a resulting Quotient of 2.4 with a remainder of 0, obtained using the method called Long Division.Quotient and Remainer of 2 2 per 5

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11/12 As A Decimal | Fractions to Decimals List | 4/11 As A Decimal