What Is 3 5/8 as a Decimal + Solution With Free Steps

3 5by8 As A DecimalThe fraction 3 5/8 as a decimal is equal to 2.625.

Fractions are represented in p/q form where p refers to the numerator and q refers to the denominator. Generally, we have three types of fractions: proper fraction, improper fraction, and mixed fraction.

When a numerator is less than the denominator of the fraction, it is referred to as a proper fraction. If we have a greater numerator, it is referred to as an improper fraction. However, in mixed fractions, we have a whole number along with an improper fraction.

Fractions can be converted into decimal numbers because decimal numbers are easier to understand in mathematical problems than fractions. The division operator seems a little tough among all mathematical operators, but actually it is not because there is a way to deal with these challenging problems. By using the Long Division method, fractions can be converted into decimal values.


Here we have a mixed fraction of 3 5/8, so first, we need to convert it into an improper fraction. For that purpose, we will multiply the denominator 8 with the whole number 3, then add the numerator 5 to it. By doing so, the improper fraction we have now is 29/5. So the numerator now is 29 with a denominator of 8.

There is a need to introduce the terms “Dividend” and “Divisor.” The numerator in the fraction is known as the “dividend,” while the denominator is referred to as the “divisor.”

Dividend = 29

Divisor = 8

The result of the fraction in decimal value is known as the Quotient.

Quotient = Dividend $\div$ Divisor = 29 $\div$ 8

Solution by long division method is given as:29/8 Long Division Method

Figure 1

29/8 Long Division Method

The solution to the given fraction by using the long division method is:

29 $\div$ 8

When we have two fractional numbers that are not completely divided, we end up with some remaining number, which is referred to as the Remainder.

Here we have a numerator of 29 greater than a denominator of 8, so we can divide them as follows:

29 $\div$ 8 $\approx$ 3


8 x 3 = 24 

The Remainder we have after this division is 29 – 24 = 5.

As the remainder is less than the divisor, we will add zero to the Remainder’s right, and we can do this after putting a Decimal point in the quotient.

Hence, we now have the remainder of 50.

50 $\div$ 8 $\approx$ 6


8 x 6 = 48 

The Remainder now is 2. Again, we will add zero to its right, and now we have a remainder of 20.

20 $\div$ 8 $\approx$ 2


8 x 2 = 16 

For the given fraction of 3 5/8, the resulting Quotient is 3.62 with a Remainder of 4. To get a more precise answer, we can further solve it by using the long division method.Quotient and remainder of 3 5 per 8

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