What Is 1 3/4 as a Decimal + Solution With Free Steps

1 3by4 As A DecimalThe fraction 1 3/4 as a decimal is equal to 1.75.

The ratio of two whole numbers is known as a Fraction. Its two elements are numerator and denominator, which have a slash or line between them.

If a fraction is formed by the combination of a proper fraction and a whole number. It is known as a Mixed Fraction.

Fractions are often converted into their equivalent decimal numbers because they are comparatively easy to understand. A Decimal Number is a number, which has a decimal point separating its fractional part and a whole number part.

We will convert a fraction of 1 3/4 into a decimal number using the Long Division method.


A mixed fraction is first transformed into an improper fraction, which is then divided to get its equivalent decimal number. This conversion is done by multiplying the denominator with the whole number and then adding this product to the numerator. So, we multiply 4 with 1 and then add its product to 3. As a result, an improper fraction of 7/4 is obtained.

In the division process, a number, to be divided is known as a Dividend and the number which is dividing the dividend is called Divisor. In this case, we have to divide 7 by 3. Thus, 7 is the dividend, and 4 is the divisor. In mathematical form, it is stated as:

Dividend = 7

Divisor = 4 

Once we are done with division, we get Quotient as a result. In some cases, we cannot divide two numbers completely and some remaining numbers. This remaining value is referred to as Remainder.

Quotient = Dividend $\div$ Divisor = 7 $\div$ 4

A detailed solution of 7/4 by utilizing the method of Long Division is given below.

1 3/4 Long Division Method

Figure 1

1 3/4 Long Division Method

1 3/4 can be written as:

 7 $\div$ 4 

Thus, in this division 4 is the divisor which is dividing 7, the dividend. Since 7 is bigger than 4, we can divide directly without any decimal point and the steps are given below.

7 $\div$ 4 $\approx$ 1


4 x 1 = 4 

We subtract 4 from 7 to get our remaining value.

7 – 4 =3

Thus, the remainder is 3 which is smaller than the divisor so, we proceed by the introduction of a decimal point in the quotient. For this, we add a zero to the right of the remainder. Thus, we get 30 to be divided by 4.

30 $\div$ 4 $\approx$ 7


4 x 7 = 28 

When we subtract 28 from 30, we get 2 as a remainder.

30 –28 = 2

After inserting a 0 to the right of 2, we get 20 to divide from 4.

20 $\div$ 4 $\approx$ 5


4 x 5 = 20 

Remainder is 20 –20 =0. The zero remainders indicate that the fraction is completely solved and 1.75 is a Decimal Value of 1 3/4.Quotient and remainder of 1 3 per 4

Images/mathematical drawings are created with GeoGebra.

2 1/2 As A Decimal | Fractions to Decimals List | 1 1/2 As A Decimal