What Is 7/10 as a Decimal + Solution With Free Steps

7by10 As A DecimalThe fraction 7/10 as a decimal is equal to 0.7.

The number of equally sized pieces that make up a whole is represented by a Fraction. Two integers are separated by a line or slash in a simple fraction, which makes it easy to spot.

In a fraction, a Numerator is a number above the slash. It indicates how many components we have. The Denominator, on the other hand, is the number that is written below the slash. It indicates the total number of pieces.

We frequently feel the need to convert fractions into decimals because doing so makes the fraction for us easier to understand. Also, when comparing two decimal values, it is quite easy to determine which is larger and which is smaller. However, when comparing fractions with distinct numerators and denominators, the results are not always easy to understand.

In the given case, we use Long Division to transform a fraction of 7/10 into a decimal.


The first and foremost step in solving a fraction is to identify if it is a proper fraction or an improper fraction. If the numerator is a smaller number as compared to the denominator, it is a Proper Fraction. Otherwise, it is an Improper Fraction.

In this case, 7 is smaller compared to 10, so it is a proper fraction. Now we transform this fraction into Division.

While doing so, we separate its components according to their operation. The numerator is called the Dividend, which is to be divided by the denominator, also known as Divisor.

Quotient and remainder are two other terms associated with the process of division. The quotient is the final result obtained after the division process is completed. But if we have partial or incomplete division we have a quantity, that is left behind. This quantity is known as Remainder.

Its mathematical representation is given as:

Dividend = 7

Divisor = 10

Quotient = Dividend $\div$ Divisor = 7 $\div$ 10 

The detailed instructions for solving the given fraction of 7/10 are given below.

7/10 Long Division Method

Figure 1

7/10 Long Division Method

Below is the explanation of steps to solve the 7/10 fraction.

7 $\div$ 10 

While solving a fraction, checking whether the given fraction is proper or improper is the first step. If it is a proper fraction, we require a Decimal Point that can be introduced by inserting a zero to the right of the dividend. In the presented fraction, we get 70 by plugging in a zero to the right of 7, which can now be divided by 10, as shown below.

70 $\div$ 10 $\approx$ 7


10 x 7 = 70 

The remainder is calculated as:

70 – 70 = 0

As we get zero as the Remainder, we don’t need to calculate further and the Quotient of this fraction is determined to be 0.7.Pie Chart 7 by 10 Long Division Method

Images/mathematical drawings are created with GeoGebra.

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